Welcome to the Course! (1 video)
Why Participate in the 90Up Challenge?
We are so glad you have decided to trust us to push you forward in your own Real Estate Investing Journey!! We just know you are going to excel and surpass all of your goals!
In order to take full advantage of this course, we recommend not rushing, taking notes along the way, and soaking up the lifetime of wisdom that was poured into this course. Also, please take advantage of the self-development exercises found at the beginning of the course. These are exercises each of our team members have implemented into their own lives and have seen increased productivity and efficiency.
We also recommend following all of our social media pages and subscribing to our email list. This will allow you to receive invitations to our FREE weekly Masterclasses where we interact with you, answer questions, and teach on new topics! It will also allow you to participate in competitions for the chance to win various items! All of the links can be found here: https://bio.site/90UpChallenge